Account Details

User Dashboard. Profile details tab #

  • Tab contains information provided during investment profile creation and using
  • Tab contains several sections:
    • Personal information
    • Trusted contact
    • Your background information
    • Financial and Investment information
    • Plan information (only for solo401)
    • Custodian information (only for sdira)
  • Each section has edit button. By click form for section is open in edit mode in popup.
  • fields per section:

Personal information #

field required? editable? Validation
First Name Yes Yes Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; should have at least 2 characters
Middle Name No Yes Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; should have at least 2 characters
Last Name Yes Yes Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; should have at least 2 characters
Date of Birth Yes Yes Format: mm/dd/yyyy. Cannot be a future date or under 18 years;
Select Citizenship Yes Yes Can only be submitted with ‘U.S. Citizen’ or ‘U.S. Legal Resident’. Otherwise (‘Non Resident’), an error message appears next to the field
Phone Number Yes Yes Format: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Only digits allowed. 1 could be chanhed with another counry code.
SSN Yes No Asked once, and never appears again. IT does not present on the form if provided before on any other form submit. Format: XXX-XX-XXXX. Only digits allowed.
Address —- - -
Address 1 Yes Yes Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; Should have at least 4 characters
Address 2 No Yes Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; Should have at least 3 characters
City Yes Yes Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces, Should have at least 2 characters, spaces are allowed as separators
State Yes Yes Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces, Should have at least 2 characters, spaces are allowed as separators
ZIP Code Yes Yes Allows 5-digit (XXXXX) and 9-digit (XXXX-XXXX) formats. Only digits and ‘-’ separator allowed, no spaces. Length limited to 9
Country Yes Yes Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces, Should have at least 2 characters, spaces are allowed as separators

Trust contact #

field required? editable? Validation
Relationship type Yes Yes Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; should have at least 2 characters
First Name Yes Yes Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; should have at least 2 characters
Last Name Yes Yes Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; should have at least 2 characters
Date of Birth Yes Yes Format: mm/dd/yyyy. Cannot be a future date or under 18 years;
Phone Number Yes Yes Format: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Only digits allowed. 1 could be chanhed with another counry code.
Email Yes Yes email format

Your background information #

field mandatory? Editable? description
Employment Yes Yes Selectbox. Options: Employed (fulltime)/Employed (partime)/Self-employed/Not employed/ Retired/Student
Employer Name Yes Yes only for Employed (fulltime)/Employed (partime) options; Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; should have at least 2 characters
Your Title/Role Yes Yes only for Employed (fulltime)/Employed (partime) options; Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; should have at least 2 characters
Address 1 Yes Yes only for Self-employed/Employed (fulltime)/Employed (partime) options; Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; Should have at least 4 characters
Address 2 No Yes only for Self-employed/Employed (fulltime)/Employed (partime) options; Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; Should have at least 3 characters
City Yes Yes only for Self-employed/Employed (fulltime)/Employed (partime) options; Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces, Should have at least 2 characters, spaces are allowed as separators
ZIP Code Yes Yes only for Self-employed /Employed (fulltime)/Employed (partime) options; Allows 5-digit (XXXXX) and 9-digit (XXXX-XXXX) formats. Only digits and ‘-’ separator allowed, no spaces. Length limited to 9
IRS Backup Withholding Yes Yes Checkbox, true/false
Shareholder Association Yes Yes Checkbox, true/false
FINRA/SEC Affiliated Yes Yes Checkbox, true/false
Correspondence Yes Yes only for FINRA/SEC Affiliated = true; Checkbox: true/false
Member Firm Name Yes Yes only for FINRA/SEC Affiliated = true; Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces, Should have at least 2 characters, spaces are allowed as separators
Compliance Contact Name Yes Yes only for FINRA/SEC Affiliated = true; Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces, Should have at least 2 characters, spaces are allowed as separators
Compliance contact email Yes Yes only for FINRA/SEC Affiliated = true; Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces, Should have at least 2 characters, spaces are allowed as separators
Ticker symbol list Yes Yes only for Shareholder Association = true; Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces, Should have at least 2 characters, spaces are allowed as separators

Financial and Investment information #

field mandatory? Editable? description
Financial situation
Are you accredited investor? yes Yes Radiobtn. Options: yes/no
Investment objectives
Investment objectives yes yes Selectbox. Options: Growth/Income/Capital Appreciation/Speculation/Tax mitigation
Investment years expirience yes yes Text input
How long do you plan to invest? yes yes Selectbox. Options: 1-3 years, 4-7 years, 8-11 years, 11+years
How important is it to have immediate access to your invested funds? yes yes Selectbox. Options: Very important/Somewhat important/Not important
How much risk are you comfortable with? yes yes Selectbox. Options: Low risk/Medium risk/High risk/Specilative risk
Understanding of Risks
5 risk statements yes No Checkboxes.
Risk statements:
- Market and Liquidity Risk: I acknowledge the potential for market fluctuations and limited liquidity in Regulation A and Regulation D offerings ;
- Business and Regulatory Risk: I understand the business challenges and regulatory uncertainties associated with investing in these offerings. ;
- Limited Information and Fraud Risk: I'm aware of the limited disclosure and potential for fraudulent schemes in Regulation A and Regulation D investments. ;
- Illiquidity and Capital Loss: I accept the illiquid nature and the risk of partial or total loss of capital in these investments. ;
- Overall Investment Risk: In summary, I recognize and accept the inherent risks, including market volatility, limited liquidity, regulatory uncertainties, and the possibility of financial loss, in investing in Regulation A and Regulation D offerings.

Plan information (only for solo401) #

Field Required? Editable? Validation
Name of the Solo 401(k) Yes No Cannot be filled only with a sequence of spaces; should have at least 2 characters
EIN Yes No EIN of solo401k, XX-XXXXXXX format

Custodian information (only for sdira) #

Field Required? Editable? Validation
Custodian Yes No Options: ALTO/Other
Name of Custodian Yes No Collected only if Custodian = Other. Cannot be filled with only a sequence of spaces; should have at least 2 characters
Custodian Website Address Yes Yes Collected only if Custodian = Other; format required: