Offer: The entity and its attributes #
Find more: creation process, funding process, closing process.
Attributes #
Parameter Name | Parameter Description |
ID | Unique identifier |
Status | Offer’s status. Possible options: new, draft, legal-review, legal-accepted, legal-declined, legally-closed, successfully-closed, unsuccessfully-closed |
Name | Offer’s name |
Slug | Offer’s slug |
Legal Name | formal name of the offer |
Esign ID | ID of template from e-sign provider |
Entity ID | Escrow account reference number |
Wallet ID | Dwollla wallet ID, wallet created for collecting fund for investments after escrow release |
Created at | date of offer creation |
Updated at | date of the last offer update |
Publication_date | date when offer is published for investing |
Closse at | Expected date of the offer closing |
Author | djadmin user who created the offer |
Valuation | $, estimated or assigned value of the offer, reflecting its perceived worth |
Min Investment | Minimal amount of shares to purchase |
Total shares | Number of total shares |
Subscribed shares | Number of shares reserved for investors according to submitted investments |
Confirmed shares | Number of shares reserved for investors according to created trades on escrow provider end |
Price er Share | $, prise per share |
Capital being raised | $, funds amount to be raised, calculated as Total shares * Price per Share |
Security type | category of the offer based on its nature, rights, and characteristics, such as ownership (equity), debt obligations, or derivative contracts. Possible options: equity, preferred equity, debt, convertable debt, equity warrants, preference shares, convertible bonds |
data.wire_to | Wire instructions to be sent to the investor, beneficiary |
data.swift_id | Wire instructions to be sent to the investor, swift ID |
data.custodian | Wire instructions to be sent to the investor, custodian name or account name |
data.account_number | Wire instructions to be sent to the investor, account number of the escrow account |
data.routing_number | Wire instructions to be sent to the investor, routing number of the escrow account |
data.nc_stamping_text | offer’s indicator for the escrow provider |
data.nc_escrow_account_number | account number of the escrow account |
data.nc_escrow_routing_number | routing number of the escrow account |
address 1 | offer’s address 1 |
address 2 | offer’s address 2 |
city | offer’s city |
state | offer’s state |
country | offer’s country, default to US |
zipcode | offer’s zipcode |
For frontend purpose only: #
| Title | Short title for the offer | | Thumbnail | Image for thumnail on offerings page | | Description | | Highlights | | Additional details | | Website | website of the offer or company-owner | | SEO title | | SEO description | | Links to social network accounts | Options: FB, Linkedin, telegram, instagram, twitter, etc |
Documents #
Another important offer’s parameter is a document list. It could include documents relevant for the different offer’s stages.
Each document attached has a flag public (true/false) to specify if document could be accessible for preview by potential investors. Documents (tax, offer update) that are attached as a report for investors have a read flag (true/false) which will represent if the invetor reviewed the document.
Mandatory documents for offer approval include the Investment Agreement, Articles of Organization, and EIN Application, all of which can be marked as public.
Other possible documents: offer, update, tax documents, financial statements, offering memorandum, etc.
Investment list #
List of successfully finished investments and list of unfinished/cancelled investments. List of successfully finished investments represents final shares owners at the closing stage.
Logs #
Offer’s log list contains info of approval process.
The offer status is Legally Accepted
, with the following parameters filled out with information from North Capital and Dwolla:
- North Capital offeringId
- North Capital Document Upload
- North Capital Submit form
- Dwolla Customer ID
- Dwolla status = verified
- Attached funding source
- Dwolla Documents Upload
Shares booking mechnism #
The share booking mechanism plays a crucial role in facilitating investment opportunities within offerings. Several key attributes define its operation:
Total Shares This represents the total number of shares offered within the investment opportunity. It is determined by dividing the
by theminimum_investment
. -
Minimum Investment Investors can book shares in increments of the minimum investment step, ensuring accessibility and flexibility in investment amounts.
Capital Being Raised This sets the target amount of capital to be raised through the offering, providing a clear objective for investors and administrators.
Investors can book shares by making investments, with each completed investment resulting in the booking of shares.
The number of shares booked is controlled by the subscribed_shares
parameter. When an investment is successfully submitted the review step, the number of subscribed_shares
increases by the number of shares associated with that investment.
Conversely, if an investment is canceled by the manager for any reason, the number of subscribed_shares
decreases by the number of shares originally booked for that investment.
Additionally, there are confirmed_shares
, representing the number of shares booked on the escrow provider(North Capital) end. A trade is created for each successful investment on the NC end, confirming the shares booked.
In the case of a 100% funded offer, the total shares, subscribed shares, and confirmed shares should all be equal. This ensures consistency and accuracy in the allocation of shares.
The availability of investing opportunities is determined by the internal parameter “subscribed shares.” Once the subscribed shares reach the total shares available, the offering is considered 100% subscribed, and further investments are restricted until an existing investment is canceled.
Offer’s wallet #
- Each offer has own wallet to collect funds after they are settled on escrow end and offer is legally closed.
- The wallet feature is fully powered by Dwolla.
- The wallet is created when offer is being in legal review status, sent for approval.
- The Wallet is considere as created successfully and could be used right after dwolla returned
status for it. - Dwolla Customer ID for the offer’s dwolla wallet is built as
- After request for wallet creation Dwolla can return error statuses that should be resolved by retry request. Note: if dwolla wallet for offer is not
, then offer does not pass legal review and gets legally declined status. - Dwolla wallet statuses are matched with our internal wallet statuses:
wallet status | dwolla status | description |
created | - | internal status, request to create a wallet was sent |
error | - | internal status, request to create a wallet was failed |
verified | - | dwolla created verified wallet for the customer |
error_retry | retry |
Dwolla requires additional information |
error_document | document |
Dwolla requires additional documentation |
error_pending | retry_sent/document_sent |
Dwolla is reviewing additional data sent |
error_suspended | suspended |
Dwolla refuses to verify the wallet |