
Offer #

How to Create an Offer #

  1. Navigate to the Offer dashboard in Djadmin at /admin/offer/offer/.
  2. Click the “New Offer” button.
  3. Complete and submit the initial form. For more details, see here. Immediately after submission, the offer is created in the system, and all additional information can be edited or provided.
  4. Fill out all mandatory (and other necessary) fields tab by tab. (See full description of each tab and fields). Note: It’s advisable to save changes periodically by using the Save and continue editing button.
  5. Ensure documents have the private/public flag as needed. Check this on the Documents tab of offer details.
  6. Upload agreements for the offer.

After these steps, the offer is ready to be approved and then published.

How to Make Offer Documents Public/Private #

By default, all documents on the Document tab of offer details have the “Show to Public” checkbox marked, meaning uploaded documents will be shown in the Financial Documents tab on the offer page on the user end.

After clicking “Load Investment Agreement” - ensure the checkbox is still marked if you want this agreement template visible on the user end. It should be checked and adjusted as needed in edit offer mode (offer status - Draft).

To Make Public: 0. Ensure the offer is in Draft status.

  1. Open the needed offer details.
  2. Go to the Documents tab.
  3. Locate the desired document.
  4. Mark the “Show to Public” checkbox.

To Make Private: 0. Ensure the offer is in Draft status.

  1. Open the needed offer details.
  2. Go to the Documents tab.
  3. Locate the desired document.
  4. Unmark the “Show to Public” checkbox.

How to Approve an Offer #

  1. Open the offer edit form.
  2. Ensure all required parameters listed on this page are filled out, along with non-required but important information to provide all offering details to investors.
  3. IMPORTANT: Ensure Agreements are uploaded via the “Load Investment Agreement” button. If the agreement is only uploaded as a PDF, the Signature step will not function correctly for investors.
  4. Click the “Send to Approval” button at the bottom.
  5. Wait for less than a minute for all logs to appear on the Logs tab with no errors. The offer status should now be Legally Accepted, with the following parameters filled out with information from North Capital and Dwolla:
    • North Capital offeringId
    • North Capital Document Upload
    • North Capital Submit form
    • Dwolla Customer ID
    • Dwolla status = verified
    • Attached funding source
    • Dwolla Documents Upload
    • Alto Offering ID
    • Alto Documents Uploaded
  6. To ensure no errors from Dwolla or North Capital, visit the offer list in Djadmin and check the needed offer status. It should be Legally Accepted.
  7. The offer is ready to be published for investments or preview.

How to Publish an Offer for Investments #

  1. Ensure the offer is Legally Accepted.
  2. Open the offer edit form.
  3. Click the “Publish Offer” button.

How to Hide an Offer from the Investments Page #

  1. Open the offer edit form.
  2. Click the “Hide and Edit Offer” button.

How to Review Offer Settings #

  1. Navigate to the offer dashboard in Djadmin at /admin/offer/offer/.
  2. Search for the offer by name using the keyword search field and click search.
  3. Click on the name of the desired offer to open its details.

How to Review Offer Status #

  1. Navigate to the offer dashboard in Djadmin at /admin/offer/offer/.
  2. Search for the offer by name using the keyword search field and click search.
  3. Check the status column for the desired offer.

What Offer Status Means #

See statuses description and status transition map.

How to Resolve Shares Mismatch with NC #

What to check when there is a difference between shares in NC and our DB:

  1. First, check the Troublesome Investment tab in Djadmin offer details. If it is not accredited (Accreditation declined/Accreditation docs sent statuses) yet, it means that the trade associated with this investment is not Funded on NC’s side for 99% of all electronic methods. Also, there could be an Escrow failed status, which means the payment attempt was not successful. In this case, you need to contact the user and assist them with accreditation/payment.

  2. Second, check investments into this offer with status “Cancelled by Manager.” Open each investment detail -> North Capital data tab. Click on the Trade ID link. In the NC dashboard, check the last status of this trade. If the last status is NOT “Cancelled,” it means that NC didn’t cancel it on their side by our request. In this case, you need to re-cancel this investment on our end by clicking on “Cancel Investment.”

Conclusions: These steps will cover 95% of cases of shares mismatch OR cases when you cancel some investment, but shares are not freed. There could be more complex cases where something is missed on our or NC’s end. In this case, we need to check each investment in our DB and associated trade on NC’s side to find if we are on the same track or there is a difference. File a ticket for the dev team if it is unsuccessful.

How to Find All Successful Investments into an Offer #

  1. Open the offer in edit mode.
  2. Find the Investments tab and open it.
  3. View the list of successful investments - all investments with Confirmed/Legally Confirmed statuses.

How to Close an Offer #

  1. Open offer details. Ensure that:
    • all investments have “Legally Confirmed”
    • no pending cancellation requests
    • no investments are unpaid or with unfinished KYC/accreditation. Note: See investment statuses and status transition map.
  2. Find the “Close Offer Successfully” button and click on it.

How to Check if an Offer is Approved for Publication #

  1. Find the offer in the offer list by name.
  2. Ensure the status of the offer is “Legally Accepted.”
  3. Open the offer in edit mode. Check that the Logs tab does not have errors.
  4. Find the “History” link on the offer edit form, check that it has an event about documents uploaded by clicking on “Load Investment Agreement.”