
Investment #

How to Open Investment Details for Review #

  1. Navigate to the investment dashboard at /admin/investment/investment/.
  2. Locate the investment by ID or use the user filter.
  3. Click on the desired investment ID to open its details.

How to Cancel an Investment #

  1. Access the investment details.
  2. Click on the “Cancel Investment” button.

How to Review Cancellation Requests #

  1. Go to investments awaiting cancellation at /admin/investment/cancellationrequestinvestment/ (TBD) - indicating the user has requested cancellation after making the investment.
  2. Next to each investment, there are two options: “Approve Cancellation” or “Revert Investment.”
  3. Selecting “Approve Cancellation” changes the investment’s status to “Cancelled by Manager” and removes it from the user’s view.
  4. Choosing “Revert Investment” returns the investment to its status prior to the cancellation request, keeping it visible to the user.