1:1 Meetings

Preparation for 1:1 Meetings #

Developer Preparation for 1:1 Meetings: #

  1. Review Previous Notes:

    • Go through the notes and action items from the previous 1:1 meeting.
    • Ensure you have made progress on the agreed action items.
  2. Prepare Updates:

    • Summarize your progress on current tasks.
    • Highlight any achievements, challenges, or roadblocks you encountered.
    • Identify topics you want to discuss.
    • Prepare questions, feedback or concerns you want to bring up during the meeting.
  3. Self-Reflection:

    • Reflect on your performance, work habits, and any areas where you seek improvement or support.
    • Consider feedback you received and how you have acted upon it.
    • Think about any development opportunities you are interested in.

Project Manager Preparation for 1:1 Meetings: #

  1. Review Previous Notes:

    • Go through the notes and action items from the previous 1:1 meeting with the developer.
    • Check the status of any tasks or goals set during the last meeting.
  2. Gather Relevant Data:

    • Collect relevant data on the developer’s performance, tickets status, and contributions.
    • Review any feedback or performance related to the developer.
  3. Set Agenda:

    • Outline the main topics to discuss.
    • Ensure there is room for the developer to bring up their topics.
  4. Prepare Feedback:

    • Prepare constructive feedback based on observations and collected data.
    • Highlight achievements and areas for improvement.
  5. Meeting outcomes

    • Define and document clear, actionable steps for both you and the team member.
    • Set new follow-up dates.
    • Share action-items documents with the team members to ensure transparency and follow-up.
    • Follow up on these action items in the next meeting.
    • Ensure meetings are regular and consistent.