Welcome to WebDevelop Investment Platform Documentation #
This is a roadmap to understanding and maximizing the functionalities of the Investment Platform. Designed to cater to both administrators and users, this documentation offers insights into key entities, their properties, user-side functionalities, some technical details, and edge cases, ensuring a seamless and efficient investment experience.
Key Entities and Their Properties: #
Explore the intricacies of investment opportunities. Understand the investment process from start to finish, including initiation, fund allocation, and closure. Learn about the investment cancellation process, ensuring clarity and transparency for investors. Delve into the various status transitions and steps involved in an investment’s lifecycle, from creation to maturity.
Gain insights into investment profiles and their properties, covering legal requirements, KYC (Know Your Customer), and accreditation processes. Learn about setting up Dwolla wallets and managing wallet activities, facilitating secure and seamless fund transactions. Explore portfolio functionalities to review investment activities and track performance.
Understand the properties of investment offers, including financial details. Navigate through the legal approval and publication process for offers, ensuring compliance and transparency. Gain insights into offer statuses, funding processes, and the closure procedure, streamlining the investment journey for all stakeholders.
User-Side Functionality: #
Investor Experience:
Discover the user-friendly interface designed to simplify the investment process, from browsing opportunities to making informed decisions. Explore features tailored for investors, including portfolio management tools, investment tracking, and communication channels like emails and notifications.
Manage investments, offers, user accounts, and system configurations with ease.